Saturday, July 14, 2012

GOP Rep. Pete Sessions: Romney?s ?personal finances? his record, are fair game.? Pres. Obama: ?The buck stops with you.?

The pressure is mounting. Even Republicans would like Willard M. Romney to release his tax records. At this point, the more he resists, the more the news cycle will be filled with speculation and all about his reluctance rather than about President Obama?s record.

Well, hey, if that?s how he wants it, who are we to push?

Nah, go ahead. Push. As David Corn said on Hardball a few minutes ago, ?He?s not going to be able to put this behind him.?

Via Buzzfeed:

Rep. Pete Sessions, the Republican tasked with defending the GOP?s majority in the House this year broke with most of his party?s establishment Thursday when he called questions about Mitt Romney?s finances and business record ?fair game.?

But his comments may also put some of his charges in a tough position, offering accidental support for demands for more financial information from House Republicans Sessions is working to keep in office.?

?His personal finances, the way he does things, his record, are fair game,? the Texas Republican told CNN Thursday.?

And CNN adds:

Sessions declined to specify what level of detail or how many years worth of tax records Romney should release, but called it a ?legitimate question.? [...]

North Carolina Republican Rep. Walter Jones, who said he was arranging a meeting soon with the GOP candidate?s campaign on other issues, urged Romney to make the information public sooner rather than later.

?I think he should release his financial records and I think if he does it in July it would be a lot better than in October,? Jones told CNN. Romney?s extension for completing his latest tax return goes until October.

And here?s what the president is saying:

?Ultimately Mr. Romney, I think, is going to have to answer those questions, because if he aspires to being president one of the things you learn is, you are ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations, but again that?s probably a question that he?s going to have to answer and I think that?s a legitimate part of the campaign.?

And now, because it?s election season and we?ll be extra busy, we GottaAsk:

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We so appreciate the generosity of those who are able to help out. We also totally understand if you can?t. And our fundraising goal is way, way less than nearly every site we know of, because we know our readers are not wealthy.

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