Wednesday, November 14, 2012

List Building Tips ? Product Launches

In this installment of List Building Tips, I?m going to discuss how you can use product launches to build your list quickly. In fact, this may be the fastest method that I know of if done properly. Keep reading to find out how.

Before I begin, let me say that I absolutely recommend that EVERY Internet marketer get a hold of Jeff Walker?s Product Launch Formula. If you ever wanted to do a product launch but weren?t sure how to go about it, Jeff spells it out in step by step detail.

While I can?t cover every aspect of the launch sequence in detail here, I am going to go over the parts that directly correspond to building your list. These are the things you ABSOLUTELY have to pay attention to if you?re going to get the results that you?re looking for. Even if the launch itself bombs (total sales) this process WILL build your list quickly.

First point of entry for your list is the launch video. This is what gets people all excited about your new product. You want it to be fun and exciting. The video serves two purposes. The first one is obvious, and that?s the prepare prospects for the launch date. But the second one is what builds your actual list.

At the end of the video (and this is CRITICAL) you want to make your prospects aware that the launch itself is for a short time ONLY at this price and that if they miss it, they?re out of luck. So, in order to make sure that they don?t miss it, direct their attention to the opt in box to the right (or left) and that they should sign up so that they are notified before anybody else when the launch is live.

Anybody who is TRULY interested in getting your new product at a reduced price is going to make sure that they sign up for the list announcing the launch date.

But you?re not done.

Another part of a successful launch is getting JV Partners to help you promote the launch. You want to send THEM an email with the URL of the video page so that they can send it to the people on THEIR list. If this is set up correctly, all of their list members who sign up for your list, will be given a special URL so that their referrers will get credit for the sale when the actual launch email goes out.

Yes, there is a lot of technical stuff that has to be worked out, but it?s worth doing. Your list grows and your JV Partners make commissions on every sale that goes through their link. Everybody is happy and your list has grown by leaps and bounds.

If you?re up for the amount of work that it takes to do a product launch (Jeff Walker makes it a lot easier) you can grow your list the size of Texas in literally a day.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want more great list building tips? Check out my review of Paul Myers? Profit Plan VI at Profit Plan VI and pick up 162 ways to build a large and responsive list.


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