Saturday, March 10, 2012

Who doesn't like DRAGONS?!!

Who doesn't like DRAGONS?!!
So I've noticed that there are a lot of dragon roleplays going on. Really, people? Really? HELL YES. Dragons have to be one of the coolest things that man has ever created with his own mind. I mean, we have the classic Eragon/dragonriderdoohickything... And then we have that one TV show with all the multi-colored dragons going around their land helping people. What's the name.. OH, Dragon Tales, that's right! Well, I can't say what I'm doing is completely original. Because in all honesty, it isn't. But the concept of it, and the plot is going to be entirely of my own design. And if you have a problem with it, well, ask me about it. But for now I'd suggest that you just start reading up on what my idea is at first. If you really weren't interested about dragons, you wouldn't have clicked on the link to this thread in the first place.

The setting, ah the setting. What could be a more interesting setting than where the dragons are born? Yes, I'm talking about a place where dragons are created, raised, and finally shipped off to different homes. I'm talking about a dragon farm, man! But obviously this isn't going to be your run of the mill Kentucky-chicken-cow-moo-cluck-snort-piggy-corn farm. This is going to be a farm of epic proportions. This is where the mommy dragons and the daddy dragons mate, and eventually produce new baby dragon eggs. The farm is on the edge of a jungle, which is where the dragon's main food would be. There's a ton of stuff they can harvest for the dragons to eat in this way. What's this dragon farm called? Well... It's called "That one dragon farm that I haven't named yet because I have no idea what to name it." It's a cool name, right? (In all honesty, I do need a name for it. So just so I know you've been reading thus far, tell me what you think I should name it. Pleeeease?).

There are three main parts to this dragon farm. There's the stables, which are where the female and the male dragons are kept. There's the nursery, which is where the eggs are stored... And then there's the other parts of the farm. The last part is really vague, because this farm is almost set up like a small town. It makes its own food, and the people that live and work there never leave. Some of these people joined because they wanted to, other people are there because they haven't paid off their debts yet. But we'll get to that later. There's a ton of things you can do in your spare time, when you're off work that is. And the people that do work at the stables? Well, they come from different homes, different situations, and different lives. Now that we have the setting sort of sketched out, let's get to the plot.

THE PLOT! There are no dragon riders, because dragons aren't bred for riding. Well, some of them are, and some of them are bred for fighting. But most of the people that raise the dragons, take care of them, and eventually come to love them are literally cast aside when the dragons are sold to other breeders, or people who gamble on them to fight. To be honest, there really is no set plot here. The sky is the limit with this. If you're interested, it means that you have to know how to fly solo and keep your character entertained without actually bumping into another person's character every other second. You have to make your own plot. That's all you need to worry about. It's MY job to tie all the plots together to make it into one story. So, be creative, don't limit yourself. If I see something I don't like then I'll make sure to tell you. But if I don't say anything it means that you're on the right track, and that I'm supporting you every step of the way.

Hurray, you've made it this far. Now all you need to do is create a character. This is where it gets really interesting. Usually, in order to join a roleplay you have to make a character sheet. This time, you really don't have to. Yes, you don't have to make a character sheet. But that doesn't mean I'll accept any kind of idea from you. You need a certain level of thought put into any character you come up with in the back of your mind. Just because your character's profile will be blank, doesn't mean you can just take every mary-sue and gary-lou style and use it. I'm not stupid! And another thing, all characters must be humans. I will be playing the dragons as NPCs for a while. If I see someone who looks like a potential dragon roleplayer, then I'll let them do it in the space of a heart beat. Until then, think of those characters. This is set somewhere in the medieval times, so make sure that they have no cellphones, iPods, NOT EVEN WALKMANS!

[[ I'm sure that you've noticed, there are a lot of holes in this idea. That's because I'm too lazy to write them all down. What do dragons eat? How do we take care of them? (Because you ARE taking care of them, you are the dragon's care takers). What kind of ranks are there here? What's an average caretaker's day like? What's in the town? I'm sure you have a ton of questions for me, that I'm willing to answer. You just have to ask. You can email me,, or you can go to this etherpad and talk to me there. HERE! And just to be nice, I'm going to explain why there are so many holes at the present moment.

I have noticed recently that a lot of awesome roleplays are very well thought out. To the tiniest detail. But I've also seen roleplays go down, way down because of that. That's why this roleplay is going to be relaxed. That's why I'm letting your characters take hold of their own destinies instead of going with an entire plot. Maybe they hate dragons, maybe they plot to have one killed. Maybe your character is going to steal someone else's dragon. Maybe they resent someone else in the care taking business, and so they plot to get back at that person. Pair up and make two plots become one, split apart and go your separate ways. Be creative, be independent, be free! That's what I'm looking for. Maybe, just maybe... You might even get to play a dragon. We'll see.

If you have more questions, please go to this etherpad and ask me, I'm there!


occupy midnight madness midnight madness john henry john henry zack greinke zack greinke

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