Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lady Gaga to Kids: Stop Bullying and Be Nice!

Lady Gaga wants kids to rethink their entire social structure.

A bold, broad and ambitious task, but would you expect anything less from the Mother Monster? With her new Born This Way Foundation, that's exactly what she's striving for.

She has some specific ideas for how it might work, too ...

Gaga in Black

Asked by Time how an 11-year-old girl might follow Gaga's advice and become more empowered, rather than succumb to other patterns, the singer-songwriter says:

"She could go up to a person in class who maybe is not one of the cool kids and say, 'I really like your T-shirt.' Her one great loving, accepting deed for the day."

That would be a brave step, which is what the initiative is about - combatting meanness and cruelty, inspiring bravery and working toward an accepting society.

"I'm doing everything I can, working with experts, studying statistics, trying to figure out a way we can make it cool or normal to be kind and loving," says Lady Gaga.

Gaga, 25, says she was bullied in school and acknowledges it will be long process to shift people's perceptions, but says one first step is not to demonize bullies.

"We do not make a distinction between the bully and the victim," she says. "Because each person is an equally important and valuable member of society."

"What the foundation is about is a transformative change that is going to take a long time to affect the overall culture. Bullies were born this way, too."

A tough task, but you gotta admire her for taking on such an important subject and tackling it from the ground up. Just one of many reasons we love the Gaga.



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