Thursday, January 31, 2013

NASA sun close-ups, 'never-before-seen'

Using a relatively small telescope, NASA scientists were able to capture images of an active region of the sun. Other telescopes focus on larger swaths of the sun, while this one zoomed in on 'real fine structure'.?

By Clara Moskowitz,? / January 23, 2013

The Hi-C instrument on the integration table at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Using this technology, scientists were able to capture previously unseen images.



While many NASA space telescopes soar in orbit for years, the agency's diminutive Hi-C telescope?tasted space for just 300 seconds, but it was enough time to see through the sun's secretive atmosphere.

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Designed to observe the hottest part of the sun ? its corona ? the small High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) launched on a suborbital rocket that fell back to Earth without circling the planet even once. The experiment revealed never-before-seen "magnetic braids" of plasma roiling in the sun's outer layers, NASA announced today (Jan. 23)

"300 seconds of data may not seem like a lot to some, but it's actually a fair amount of data, in particular for an active region" of the sun, Jonathan Cirtain,?Hi-C mission?principal investigator at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., said during a NASA press conference today.

The solar telescope snapped a total of 165 photos during its mission, which lasted 10 minutes from launch to its parachute landing.

Hi-C launched from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico?atop a sounding rocket in July 2012. The mission cost a total of $5 million ? a relative bargain for a NASA space mission, scientists said. The experiment was part of NASA's Sounding Rocket Program, which launches about 20 unmanned suborbital research projects every year. [NASA's Hi-C Photos: Best View Ever of Sun's Corona]

"This mission exemplifies the three pillars of the [sounding rocket] program: world-class science, a breakthrough technology demonstration, and the training of the next generation of space scientists," said Jeff Newmark, a Sounding Rocket Program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Hi-C?used a modified Cassegrain telescope with a 9.5-inch-diameter mirror to take close-up images of an active region on the sun, achieving a resolution equivalent to sighting a dime from 10 miles away.

While NASA already has telescopes in orbit constantly monitoring the whole?surface of the sun, such as the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the Hi-C mission allowed scientists to focus in on a smaller region than SDO is able to.

"SDO has a global view of the sun," Newmark said. "What this research does is act like a microscope and it zooms in on the real fine structure that's never been seen before."

The next step, the researchers said, is to design a follow-up instrument to take advantage of the new telescope technology tested out by Hi-C, to observe for a longer period of time on an orbital mission.

"Now we've proven it exists, so now we can go study it," said Karel Schrijver, a senior fellow at the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto, Calif., where the instrument was built.?

Follow Clara Moskowitz on Twitter?@ClaraMoskowitz?or We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.?


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Thai tycoon wins control of Singapore's Fraser and Neave

SINGAPORE, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Thai billionaire Charoen

Sirivadhanabhakdi has raised his stake in Fraser and Neave Ltd

(F&N) to more than 50 percent, turning his offer to

buy the rest of the Singapore property and drinks conglomerate


Thailand's third-richest man now holds a near 51 percent

stake in F&N through TCC Assets Ltd and Thai Beverage PCL

after buying more shares in the open market, according

to a stock market filing late on Wednesday.

Charoen, whom Forbes estimates to be worth $6.2 billion, is

now set to take full control of the 130-year-old company in

Southeast Asia's biggest acquisition.

The tycoon had increased his offer for F&N shares he does

not own to S$9.55 a share, valuing the company at S$13.75

billion ($11.2 billion) and trumping a rival bid from a group

led by Singapore-listed property firm Overseas Union Enterprise


F&N shareholders have until Feb. 18 to accept or reject the


Thai Beverage shares jumped 8 percent to a record S$0.535 in

Singapore trading on Wednesday as traders expect the F&N

acquisition to boost the company's growth. F&N's shares last

traded at S$9.56.

Charoen is likely to tap F&N's network in Singapore and

Malaysia to distribute Chang Beer, brewed by Thai Beverage, as

well as spirits, energy drinks and instant coffee. In Thailand,

where he already has an edge, Charoen may in turn market F&N's


F&N's board of directors said on Tuesday they will step down

to make way for Charoen to have a greater say in the Singapore

company's future.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

AFL-CIO to press for lockout protection (Star Tribune)

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Polymer Patches May Enable Effective DNA Vaccines

Zothecula writes "Taking a two-month-old in for vaccination shots and watching them get stuck with six needles in rapid succession can be painful for child and parent alike. If the work of an MIT team of researchers pans out, those needles may be thing of the past thanks to a new dissolvable polymer film that allows the vaccination needle to be replaced with a patch. This development will not only make vaccinations less harrowing, but also allow for developing and delivering vaccines for diseases too dangerous for conventional techniques." The patch was designed with delivering DNA-based vaccines in mind. Thus far efforts to use DNA to generate more robust and safe vaccines has failed thanks to the immune system destroying them; the polymer film embeds itself in your skin and slowly dissolves, protecting the DNA in the process.


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Home prices keep coming back

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Single-family home prices rose in November, building on a string of gains that point to a housing market that is on the mend, data from a closely watched survey showed on Tuesday.

The S&P/Case Shiller composite index of 20 metropolitan areas gained 0.6 percent in November on a seasonally adjusted basis, in line with economists' forecasts.

Prices in the 20 cities rose 5.5 percent year over year. It was the strongest year-over-year price increase since August 2006.

It was the 10th month in a row that prices have increased, the longest string of gains since before the market started to turn down in 2006. Last year's rise in prices beat a nine-month consecutive run in 2009 and 2010, when the market was boosted by the homeowner tax credit.

"Housing is clearly recovering," David Blitzer, chairman of the index committee at S&P Dow Jones Indexes, said in a statement.

Prices on a non-adjusted basis slipped 0.1 percent. The non-adjusted numbers showed prices fell in about half of the cities covered by the survey, with the winter months typically a weak period for housing, the survey said.

"This is continuing a trend in place for the better part of a year," said Omair Sharif, U.S. economist at RBS Securities in New York. "This is another indication that the housing rebound is fairly entrenched at this point."

Phoenix, which saw its housing market rebound sharply last year, led with the biggest yearly gain at 22.8 percent. New York was the only city to fall, down 1.2 percent from the previous year.

Financial markets saw little reaction to the data with Wall Street focused on the latest corporate earnings.

The housing market became a bright spot for the economy last year as prices rose and inventory tightened. The sector is expected to contribute to economic growth in 2013.

(Additional reporting by Richard Leong; Editing by Nick Zieminski)


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Should More Be Done to Prepare New Teachers?

We've all been inside a classroom, and there's a good chance we've each had at least one teacher who wasn't prepared for the task at hand.

For far too long, according to the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), this trend has gone unnoticed by policymakers.

In an effort to propel lawmakers into action, the organization put out a report entitled the 2012 State Teacher Policy Yearbook. It grades the country, and each state, on how well it prepares incoming teachers. America was given a D+ on teacher preparedness policies, and zero states were given an A.

Alabama, Florida, Indiana, and Tennessee ranked at the top of the list, each receiving a B-. Alaska, Montana, and Wyoming received failing grades.

The reports points out that only 24 states require a basic skills test when screening applicants. Also, it exposes how shockingly low standards are for elementary school teachers.

While teaching kids to read is perhaps an elementary teacher's biggest responsibility, it isn't treated that way at the policy level. "Only 10 states appropriately assess teacher proficiency in effective reading instruction. And only 11 states adequately test new elementary teachers' knowledge of mathematics."

The problem, according to the report, is that while many states are focused on identifying effective teachers in the classroom, they are "neglecting opportunities to get it right from the start by setting rigorous standards and high expectations for what teachers should know and should be able to do before they are licensed to become teachers."

Ellen Moir, founder and CEO of New Teacher Center, a nonprofit dedicated to improving student learning by accelerating the effectiveness of new teachers and school leaders, echoes this sentiment. She wrote on TakePart that, "Despite the current focus on making sure all educators are effective, we are not setting up most new teachers to make a difference, and their students pay the price."

Moir calls the first year of teaching a "sink or swim" experience and believes teaching mentors can make a big difference. She writes, "Research shows that when new teachers receive the right support, they are more effective and remain in the profession. What does the right support look like? We call it comprehensive new teacher mentoring and induction. It involves the guidance of successful, experienced teachers who have been trained to mentor new teachers and create relevant, timely opportunities for groups of new teachers to learn together."

The NCTQ report touches on mentorship before teachers even receive their first teaching position. It points out that only three states?Florida, Indiana, and Tennessee?require the educator assigned to mentor a student teacher be proven as an effective teacher. Today, placement is more likely to be "the luck of the draw."

NCTQ president Kate Walsh said in a statement, that she hopes policymakers will use this report as a roadmap "on how to get teacher effectiveness right from the start." They can do this, she says, "by setting higher expectations for what teachers need to know and are able to do before they are licensed to become teachers."

Do you think teachers need more preparation before they step foot inside a classroom? Share your thoughts in comments.

Related Stories on TakePart:

? Diary of a First-Year Teacher: Finally, I?m Out of Survival Mode

? Diary of a First-Year Teacher: The First Month

? A California Teacher?s Secret to Raising Grades and Morale

Jenny is the Education Editor at TakePart. She has been writing for TakePart since 2009 and previously worked in film and television development. She has taught English in Vietnam and tutors homeless children in Los Angeles. Email Jenny | @jennyinglee |


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Good Reads: Boomtown slum, democracy in progress, and 'rewilding' in the Netherlands

This week's good reads include a day in Kenya's bustling Kibera slum, the struggle to promote democracy in the Arab world, and a radical conservation theory in the Netherlands.

By Allison Terry,?Correspondent / January 7, 2013

A hairdresser braids a woman?s hair in her salon in Kenya?s Kibera slum.

Noor Khamis/Reuters


The image of an African shantytown does not usually conjure up hope for economic prosperity. But Kibera, one of Nairobi?s slums and arguably Africa?s largest slum, is exactly that for the Kenyans who call it home. In The Economist, a writer chronicled a day in Kibera, describing the slum?s ebbs and flows, capturing its entrepreneurial spirit. People from all over Kenya leave their towns and villages for a chance to find work in Kibera?s ?thriving economic machine.?

Skip to next paragraph Allison Terry

Allison Terry is national news intern for the Christian Science Monitor. She previously worked on the cover page desk and contributed to the culture section of the Monitor.

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The half-mile-by-two-mile area accommodates roughly 1 million people, wedged together in repurposed wood-and-corrugated-tin-roof structures. The alleys that wind through the slum vary in size, but there is no room for cars. Many of the residents work in nearby factories or offices. Others find economic opportunity in providing goods and services for Kibera?s residents.

When Cecilia Achieng moved to the slum, she started a school, at first renting space from an empty church. She eventually saved enough money to build six makeshift classrooms. After school, Ms. Achieng starts her second job: catering. She caters church events, funerals, and is even trying to get into weddings. In the evening, Achieng goes door to door offering her services as a hairdresser.

?To equate slums with idleness and misery is to misunderstand them,? the correspondent writes. ?Slums are far from hopeless places; many are not where economic losers end up, but rather reservoirs of tomorrow?s winners.?

The promise of the Arab Spring

As post-Arab Spring countries struggle to establish democratic institutions, pessimism about their ultimate success misses a broader lesson: Stable democracies have historically evolved from violent uprisings, initial failures, and stumbling blocks.

?These troubles ... are not a bug but a feature ? not signs of problems with democracy but evidence of the difficult, messy process of political development through which societies purge themselves of the vestiges of dictatorship and construct new and better democratic orders,? writes Sheri Berman in Foreign Affairs.

Critics who see Egypt, Libya, and other transitioning countries as democratic failures ignore the inherited social, cultural, and political dynamics in these countries, and a broader historical perspective. New democracies are not blank slates, writes Ms. Berman. In the aftermath of overthrowing dictators, countries must overcome the baggage that comes with authoritarian regimes ? distrust, animosity, and lack of civil organizations to deal with people?s demands. Islamism is filling that void in Egypt after Hosni Mubarak?s fall as religious organizations were the only places where people could participate and express themselves.


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Apple prepping 128 GB iPad model: report

1 hr.

Leaked inventory listings suggest that Apple will soon launch a 128 GB version of its popular iPad. That would give it twice the storage of the largest iPad available now, reportedly for a $100 premium.

The information comes from a few sources, with code in the latest Apple?iOS and iTunes releases suggesting upcoming 128GB devices, and more recently from an inventory listing leaked to

The listing has iPads at prices $100 over the existing models, totaling $799 for a Wi-Fi only version, or $929 for a cellular-enabled one. The description in the listing is "ultimate," which makes sense: Existing 16, 32?and 64 gigabyte iPads have been described in inventory descriptions as "good," "better" and "best" respectively.

Together, the pricing and description are highly suggestive of a new 128?GB iPad model, but there's nothing yet to indicate timing. Apple's release schedule has grown?increasingly difficult to predict, and while the last iPads were unveiled in October, the company previously updated the device line earlier in the year.

Some think that an early-2013 event will bring the larger iPad model and some other refreshes to existing product lines, while brand-new versions of both the iPhone and iPad will be released later in the year, possibly in October. NBC News contacted Apple for comment; if we hear back, we'll update this post.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBCNews Digital. His personal website is?


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Boy Scouts close to ending ban on gays

NBC's Pete Williams reports on the major policy shift being considered by the Boy Scouts of America.

By Pete Williams, Justice Correspondent, NBC News

The Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation?s largest private youth organizations, is actively considering an end to its decades-long policy of banning gay scouts or scout leaders, according to scouting officials and outsiders familiar with internal discussions.

If adopted by the organization?s board of directors, it would represent a profound change on an issue that has been highly controversial -- one that even went to the US Supreme Court. The new policy, now under discussion, would eliminate the ban from the national organization?s rules, leaving local sponsoring organizations free to decide for themselves whether to admit gay scouts.

?The chartered organizations that oversee and deliver scouting would accept membership and select leaders consistent with their organization?s mission, principles or religious beliefs,? according to Deron Smith, a spokesman for the Boy Scouts? national organization.

Individual sponsors and parents ?would be able to choose a local unit which best meets the needs of their families,? Smith said.

The discussion of a potential change in policy is nearing its final stages, according to outside scouting supporters. If approved, the change could be announced as early as next week, after the BSA's national board holds a regularly scheduled meeting.

Only seven months ago, the Boy Scouts affirmed a policy of banning gay members, after a nearly two-year examination of the issue by a committee of volunteers convened by national leaders of the Boy Scouts of America, known as the BSA.

In a statement last July affirming the ban, its national executive board called it ?the best policy for the organization.?

But since then, a scouting official said, local chapters have been urging a reconsideration. "We're a grassroots organization. This is a response to what's happening at the local level," the official said.

Two corporate CEOs on BSA?s national board, Randall Stephenson of AT&T and James Turley of Ernst & Young, have also said they would work to end the ban. Stephenson is next in line to be the BSA?s national chairman. During the 2012 presidential campaign, both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney said the BSA should admit gay scouts and scout leaders.

Jennifer Tyrrell, who was ousted as a den mother for her son's Cub Scout troop because of her sexual orientation, is fighting back. Tyrrell talks to msnbc's Thomas Roberts about her petition to change the Boy Scouts of America's long-standing policy on banning gays and lesbians.

About 50 local United Way groups and several corporations and charities have concluded that the ban violates their non-discrimination requirements and have ceased providing financial aid to the Boy Scouts. An official of The Human Rights Campaign, an advocate for gay rights, said HRC planned to downgrade its non-discrimination ratings for corporations that continue to give the BSA financial support.

?It?s an extremely complex issue,? said one Boy Scouts of America official, who explained that other organizations have threatened to withdraw their financial support if the BSA drops the ban.

While the national scouting organization sets broad policies, more than 290 local councils nationwide govern the day-to-day conduct of the more than 116,000 local organizations. Individual scouting troops are sponsored by religious and civic organizations that represent a diversity of views on the issue of allowing gay scouts and leaders.

?The beliefs of the sponsoring organizations are highly diverse,? the official said.

The policy change now under discussion ?would allow the religious, civic or educational organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting to determine how to address this issue,? said the BSA's Smith.

?The Boy Scouts would not, under any circumstances, dictate a position to units, members or parents. Under this proposed policy, the BSA would not require any chartered organization to act in ways inconsistent with that organization?s mission, principles or religious beliefs,? he said.

In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that the Boy Scouts had a First Amendment right of free expression when it came to the organization?s belief that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with values stated in the scout oath, requiring scouts to be ?morally straight.?

The Scouts have won similar legal battles, with courts finding that the BSA?s right of free association permits it, as a private organization, to reject those it believes do not conform to is values.?

Eagle Scouts return badges to protest policy banning gays?
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Qigong Improves Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients | Psych ...

By Janice Wood Associate News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on January 27, 2013

Qigong Improves Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients  New research has found that qigong, an ancient Chinese mind-body practice, has been found to reduce depression and improve the quality of life in women undergoing radiation for breast cancer.

The study examined qigong in patients receiving radiation therapy and included a follow-up period to assess its benefits over time, according to researchers.

?We were [...] particularly interested to see if qigong would benefit patients experiencing depressive symptoms at the start of treatment,? said Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D., a professor in the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center?s Departments of General Oncology and Behavioral Science.

?It is important for cancer patients to manage stress because it can have a profoundly negative effect on biological systems and inflammatory profiles.?

For the study, Cohen and his colleagues recruited 96 women with stage 1-3 breast cancer from Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center in Shanghai, China.

About half of the women ? 49 ? were randomly assigned to a qigong group consisting of five 40-minute classes each week during their five-to-six week course of radiation therapy. The remaining 47 women comprised a control group receiving standard care.

The program incorporated a modified version of Chinese medical qigong, which consisted of synchronizing one?s breath with various exercises, the researchers explained.

Participants in both groups completed assessments at the beginning, middle and end of radiation therapy and then one and three months later. Different aspects of quality of life were measured, including depressive symptoms, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and overall quality of life.

According to the researchers, patients in the qigong group reported a steady decline in depressive symptom scores beginning at the end of radiation therapy, with a mean score of 12.3, through the three month post-radiation follow-up with a score of 9.5. No changes were noted in the control group over time, the study found.

The study also found that qigong was especially helpful for women reporting high baseline depressive symptoms, Cohen said.

?We examined women?s depressive symptoms at the start of the study to see if women with higher levels would benefit more,? he said.

?In fact, women with low levels of depressive symptoms at the start of radiotherapy had good quality of life throughout treatment and three months later regardless of whether they were in the qigong or control group. However, women with high depressive symptoms in the control group reported the worst levels of depressive symptoms, fatigue, and overall quality of life that were significantly improved for the women in the qigong group.?

As the benefits of qigong were largely observed after treatment concluded, researchers suggest qigong may prevent a delayed symptom burden or expedite the recovery process, especially for women with elevated depressive symptoms at the start of radiation therapy. Cohen notes the delayed effect could be explained by the cumulative nature of the treatments, as the benefits often take time to be realized.

According to the researchers, the findings support other previously reported trials examining the benefits of qigong, but are too preliminary to offer clinical recommendations.

They note that additional research is needed to understand the possible biological mechanisms involved and further explore the use of qigong in ethnically diverse populations with different forms of cancer.

The study was published in the journal Cancer.

Source: University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

APA Reference
Wood, J. (2013). Qigong Improves Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients. Psych Central. Retrieved on January 28, 2013, from



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Roadside bomb kills 10 in Afghanistan

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AP) ? A police truck packed with officers and detainees struck a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan's largest city, killing 10 of those aboard, officials said Sunday.

It was one of four blasts Saturday that left at least 24 people dead across the country. Attacks by insurgents are a daily occurrence around Afghanistan and the Afghan police with their unarmored pickup trucks and remote checkpoints are a common target.

In the Kandahar city blast, police had driven out into a residential neighborhood of the city at night to inspect a bomb that had been found there, said Javid Faisal, a spokesman for the provincial government. They detained three suspects and were driving back with them in a police pickup truck when the vehicle struck another explosive buried in the road. Eight police officers and two detainees were killed in the blast.

Meanwhile, Afghan authorities accused NATO of killing three civilian men in a nighttime ambush in the eastern Logar province. The coalition disputed the account, saying it had no operations in Logar's Baraki Barak district Saturday night. NATO said there were three dead, but they were insurgents killed by Afghan forces.

Deputy provincial police chief Rais Khan Abdul Rahimzai said all three of the added were civilians. "They were brothers. They had dinner at one of their brother's houses in another part of the district and it was when they were driving back that they were ambushed by the foreign soldiers," Rahimzai said. "It was a misunderstanding in which foreign forces shot and killed three people."

A spokesman for the international force disputed the Afghan version of the incident."This was the ANSF," said Maj. Martyn Crighton, referring to the Afghan National Security Forces. He said they went after three men who had been seen burying a bomb in the ground and "got engaged in a firefight with these guys."

It was not possible to reconcile the conflicting accounts.

Earlier Saturday, 10 policemen were killed when a suicide bomber on a motorcycle blew himself up in Kunduz province in the north. Meanwhile, a remote-controlled bomb planted on a bicycle exploded in the eastern city of Ghazni, killing one police officer and a civilian. And officials in Farah province in the west said Sunday that two police officers were killed there Saturday evening when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb.


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

2 St Mary deputies out of critical condition

(AP) ? Louisiana State Police say two St. Mary Parish sheriff's deputies are out of critical condition, and the man accused of shooting them and killing two other people has been booked with arson and two counts each of first-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder.

Trooper Stephen Hammons says 48-year-old Wilbert Thibodeaux (TIB-uh-doh) of Charenton (SHEHR-uhn-tuhn) is being held without bond in the Iberia Parish jail.

Hammons says the body of 78-year-old Eddie Lyons of Charenton was found in a mobile home that had been set on fire Saturday before someone told police that an armed man was walking down a street near the Chitimacha (chit-ih-MAH-chuh) tribal casino.

Thibodaux is accused of shooting Lyons, then a tribal police officer and two deputies who answered the report.

Hammons says the officers' names will be released Monday.

Associated Press


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3 Design Ideas For Direct Marketing | Micro Business Perspectives


Micro Business Perspectives was launched with the goal of giving micro businesses information and tools to more effectively market and manage their business. We?ll be posting answers to questions, tips and tricks we hope you will find useful in marketing and promoting your business, and suggestions about ways to explore new and innovative mediums. We?re also encouraging you to send us your own successful marketing stories. We?ll publish some of them on this blog so other micro businesses might learn from your example.

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Knowing Precisely why Creditors Prefer To Provide Unsecured ...

Whenever a person is looking for a bank loan they are going to discover there are 2 standard forms of lending options: attached along with credit card. From the tastes situations they?re going to in addition observe that secured loans are generally certainly much more available next short term loans. There is a good reason for this and that is the reason why a lot of people find yourself getting a secured mortgage.

Secured finance can be a mortgage that is guaranteed by collateral. Collateral is one area that this consumer sets way up for that mortgage loan. One example is in the case of a mortgage. Whenever a individual is investing in a house the house becomes your guarantee.

What this means is that if the debtor won?t pay out their finance the bank next will become who owns the house. They could market the home to find the bad debts for many years. The actual collateral a new debtor applies lower have to be one thing beneficial that may be marketed to produce inside the tariff of the money.

Banks along with other creditors want a secured loan over easy since with any guaranteed mortgage loan they?ve got a number of ensure to getting their cash rear. Each time a financial institution adds income these are basing their particular decision on numerous components. Many of them will look at the borrowers credit ranking to acquire an idea of the individuals potential as well as probability of paying it well.

They also look into a new individuals financial situation. This kind of informs them when the customer have enough money the credit. Lenders understand, even though, which even if an individual may pay for a loan and possesses the perfect credit history won?t assure any debtor will not likely go delinquent over a loan.

A financial institution looks at unsecured loans as a smaller danger after that short term loans. Using a guaranteed loan they may be obtaining a thing so they could earn the borrowed funds they understand they?ll be capable to offer, if you need to, as well as make back a few of the money owed in their mind.

Secured loans remain a danger to the financial institution. Although a new consumer applies up collateral, the likelihood of the actual collateral actually equalling how much the money is not likely.

This runs specifically true of automotive loans in which the auto getting bought is employed while collateral. If the loan provider need to have to offer the car to recoup their they?ll not probable have the entire chwilowki pozabankowe amount owed in their mind.

For this reason secured finance are nevertheless not really easy to acquire. Any guaranteed mortgage loan still demands the chwilowki bez bik borrower to demonstrate they will settle the credit. Loan companies are still wanting to make just as much off the mortgage as you possibly can, in order that they need to become repaid, not have to acquire through chwilowki pozabankowe security.

Secured personal loans tend to be offered next quick unsecured loans since they are reduced threat. Creditors enjoy that included safety involving security. They enjoy the thought that the actual customer will for you to out and about them selves at risk as well.

Having a guaranteed mortgage loan both loan company and customer are usually if risk so it will be a much more also arena next by having an unguaranteed bank loan. That is why debtors will quickly realize secured loans to become much more accessible after that unsecured loans.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

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Korg announces MS-20 mini, we go hands and ears-on (video)

Korg announces MS-20 mini, we go hands and ears-on (video)

Korg has a string of classic sound-making machines that bear its name. One of the most well regarded would be the MS-20 analog synth that first landed in 1978. But that's no good to you right here in 2013 is it? Well, funnily enough, the kind folk at Korg realised this, and decided to relaunch it, updated for the modern musician. The MS-20 mini is, as you might surmise, a smaller version of the classic, measuring in at 86 percent the size of the original. It also looks like as much of the character that made the MS-20 sing to people's hearts has been carried over as possible. The mini was developed by the same engineers, has the same synthesis set up (two oscillators, ring modulation, VCA design etc) complete with manual cable-patching system (which is now 3.5mm rather than 1/4-inch). There is one modern addition, and that is a USB-MIDI jack around the back, letting you plug in to your favorite DAW / sequencing software through the more contemporary connection -- should you prefer that over the good old 5-pin MIDI (which is still an option). As we're right here at NAMM, we took a stroll over to the Korg booth to take a look for ourselves. Head past the break to see / hear more.

Undoubtedly, the MS-20 mini looks like the real deal. Although smaller second time around, it's still a good size, and big enough for competent keyboard players to do their thing. The knobs and pots felt surprisingly plasticky, but the rest of the machine seems robust and well made. It's hard not to get sucked in to the whole vintage detail, especially the patch bay on the right hand side. The action on the keys feels good and responsive, and those dials should be able to take some vigorous use -- ideal for live performances. The sound it generates will definitely please fans of analog synths, and we even caught Deadmau5 making an appearance at the booth to check it out. So, if you'd like to upgrade from that iPad app version, to the real deal, you should be able to do so in spring, for an expected $599. Want to hear how it sounds? Jump on the video below for the quick demo. Full press release comes after that.

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Korg USA Announces MS-20 mini - Korg's classic MS-20 is recreated in mini size -

WINTER NAMM, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, January 24th, 2013 - Korg's MS-20 monophonic synthesizer, first introduced in 1978, is still coveted to this day for its thick, robust sound, powerful, iconic analog filter, and versatile patching options. It has now been reborn in hardware, as the new MS-20 mini. The same engineers who developed the original MS-20 have perfectly reproduced it in a body that's been shrunk to 86% of the original size, yet retains the distinctive look of the original.

The MS-20 Mini offers the same distinctive synthesis that made the original MS-20 popular: two oscillators with ring modulation, and envelope generators with delay and hold. The VCA (Voltage Controlled Amp) maintains the original basic design, but it's been modified to produce less noise. Particular attention has also been paid to delivering smooth parameter adjustments, which are a distinctive feature of analog synthesizers. Special care was also taken to completely reproduce the original specifications of the MS-20, to deliver the same powerful sound, from deep, growling basses to crisp, rounded leads.

One of the most well-known - and still most sought after - characteristics of the original MS-20 was its powerful filters, which provided both high-pass and low-pass with peak/resonance. Maximizing the peak/resonance would cause the filter to self-oscillate; producing a distinctive and dramatic tonal change that was acclaimed as inimitable, and was used many years later on Korg's monotron and monotribe. The filter circuit was changed mid-way through the production lifecycle of the MS-20; the MS-20 mini uses the earlier filter, which was felt to be superior due to its more radical sound.
The ESP (External Signal Processor) functionality carries on the experimental spirit of MS-20, allowing users to utilize the pitch or volume of an external audio source to control the synthesizer. For example, an electric guitar can be used as an input signal, and the MS-20 mini can be used as a guitar synthesizer, or the mic input can allow it to be used it as a vocal synthesizer.

The patching system enables the creation of complex sounds by allowing the rerouting of both modulation and audio (both the internal oscillators and external audio). Different combinations of the modulation input/output and trigger, sample and hold, and noise generator can produce an incredible variety of sounds. By patching according to the MS-20 flow chart printed on the panel, musicians of all levels can take advantage of these possibilities right away.

To make it even more approachable, the MS-20 mini has been shrunk to 86% of the size of the original, with meticulous care taken to accurately reproduce the knob design and the printing. The patch cables have been changed from 1/4" phone plugs to mini-plugs, and the newly- designed keyboard is also 86% of the original size.

The MS-20 mini is equipped with a MIDI IN jack for receiving note messages, and a USB-MIDI connector that can transmit and receive note messages. Users can also connect the MS20 mini to a computer and play it from an external sequencer.

For added authenticity, the MS-20 mini packaging replicates much of the original. Also included are the original MS-20 owner's manual and settings chart.

Billy Steele contributed to this report.

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Woman sues for $10M after attack

18 hrs.

A Las Vegas woman who was severely beaten by a man she met through is suing the online dating site for $10 million?two years and multiple surgeries after the attack that left her hospitalized for months.

The woman, Mary Kay Beckman, was stabbed multiple times with a butcher knife on Jan. 21, 2011?by?Wade Mitchell Ridley, and when?the knife broke, he stomped on her head. Ridley, who was sentenced to?28 to 70 years,?died in prison last year. He was also facing a murder charge in Arizona for the stabbing death of a former girlfriend a few weeks after the attack on Beckman.

Beckman filed suit in Clark County, Nevada,?accusing of negligence, negligent misrepresentation, deceptive trade, failure to warn and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

The site, she said, failed to warn her about the dangers of meeting "an individual whose intentions are not to find a mate, but to find victims to kill or rape."

The real estate agent said she joined about a month before her first in-person meeting with Ridley on Sept. 26, 2010. They dated for 10 days, but she called it off. That's when Ridley started sending her threatening and harassing messages.?

On Jan. 21, 2011, Ridley attacked Beckman in her garage, and left her for dead, she says, when she stopped making a "gurgling noise."?

Beckman, now 50, continues to recover and to speak out against online dating?"I do not believe that online dating is a safe venue for men or women,"?she?recently?told?a?local?FOX?TV?reporter., in a statement to NBC News Friday, said that what happened to Beckman "is horrible, but this lawsuit is absurd.?The many millions of people who have found love on and other online dating sites know how fulfilling it is. And while that doesn't make what happened in this case any less awful, this is about a sick, twisted individual with no prior criminal record, not an entire community of men and women looking to meet each other."

Safety, the site said, "is very important to Match," which, like many other online dating sites, includes online and offline tips for staying safe.

In California, and two other dating sites, eHarmony and Spark Networks, signed a joint statement of business principles, agreeing to screen for sex offenders and take other safety steps after a woman was assaulted on a date, the state attorney general's office said last March.?

The joint statement ?was prompted by the 2010 sexual assault of a Los Angeles-area woman by a man she met through, a spokeswoman for the state attorney general's office said. The woman sued, seeking a court order requiring the site to check applicants' backgrounds to weed out convicted sex offenders. She dropped the suit after the site provided proof of such screening.

Meanwhile, in the last two years, friends and work associates of Beckman have held fundraisers for her, including one last year, with information shared about it on YouTube (see video below).

Check out Technology, GadgetBox, Digital?Life and InGame on?Facebook,?and on?Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Extinction rates not as bad as feared ... for now

Jan. 24, 2013 ? Concerns that many animals are becoming extinct, before scientists even have time to identify them, are greatly overstated, according Griffith University researcher, Professor Nigel Stork. Professor Stork has taken part in an international study, the findings of which have been detailed in "Can we name Earth's species before they go extinct?" published in the journal Science.

Deputy Head of the Griffith School of Environment, Professor Stork said a number of misconceptions have fueled these fears, and there is no evidence that extinction rates are as high as some have feared.

"Surprisingly, few species have gone extinct, to our knowledge. Of course, there will have been some species which have disappeared without being recorded, but not many we think," Professor Stork said.

Professor Stork said part of the problem is that there is an inflated sense of just how many animals exist and therefore how big the task to record them.

"Modern estimates of the number of eukaryotic species have ranged up to 100 million, but we have estimated that there are around 5 million species on the planet (plus or minus 3 million)."

And there are more scientists than ever working on the task. This contrary to a common belief that we are losing taxonomists, the scientists who identify species.

"While this is the case in the developed world where governments are reducing funding, in developing nations the number of taxonomists is actually on the rise.

"World-wide there are now two to three times as many taxonomist describing species as there were 20 years ago."

Even so, Professor Stork says the scale of the global taxonomic challenge is not to be underestimated.

"The task of identifying and naming all existing species of animals is still daunting, as there is much work to be done."

Other good news for the preservation of species is that conservation efforts in the past few years have done a good job in protecting some key areas of rich biodiversity.

But the reprieve may be short-lived.

"Climate change will dramatically change species survival rates, particularly when you factor in other drivers such as overhunting and habitat loss," Professor Stork said.

"At this stage we have no way of knowing by how much extinction rates may escalate.

"But once global warming exceeds the 2 degree barrier, we can expect to see the scale of loss many people already believe is happening. Higher temperature rises coupled with other environmental impacts will lead to mass extinctions"

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Griffith University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. M. J. Costello, R. M. May, N. E. Stork. Can We Name Earth's Species Before They Go Extinct? Science, 2013; 339 (6118): 413 DOI: 10.1126/science.1230318

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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NY Post's Clinton cover: 'No Wonder Bill's Afraid'

Thursday's New York Post cover.

The New York Post took an interesting approach to Hillary Clinton's congressional testimony on the attack in Benghazi, blasting a photo of the secretary of state with fists clenched alongside a headline that screams, "No Wonder Bill's Afraid."

We're not sure what former President Bill Clinton has to do with Clinton's testimony, but the Post features his photo in the corner of the arguably sexist cover, as well. His face appears beside the words: "The lady has some temper! Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton came out breathing fire yesterday at a congressional hearing where pols ripped her handling of the Benghazi debacle."

On Wednesday, Clinton raised her voice and banged her fists against the table for emphasis after Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin questioned her aggressively about the department's actions following the killing of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012. Republicans have criticized the Obama administration for at first suggesting that the attack could have been borne out of a spontaneous protest sparked by an anti-Islam video.

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans," Clinton responded, suggesting that Johnson was focused on unimportant semantics. "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."

During the hearing Clinton was also questioned as to why requests for more security at the complex were ignored by midlevel State Department officials, among other things.


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'Breaking Bad's' Walter White is a Lego man

By Aaron Couch, The Hollywood Reporter

Courtesy of Citizen Brick LLC

Meet ?Chemistry Enthusiast,? a little guy who bears a striking resemblance to "Breaking Bad"?protagonist Walter White. He?s got Walter's trademark facial hair, glasses and hazmat suit. But while he may look like a Walter White Lego, officially speaking this "Breaking Bad"?figurine is not associated with Lego or the AMC hit.

Photos from THR: Cooking up season 5 of 'Breaking Bad' with Bryan Cranston and Vince Gilligan

Chemistry Enthusiast is a new, limited-edition product from Citizen Brick, a Chicago-based company which specializes in creating customized Lego pieces.

?I like to think I make stuff for guys that are like me,? Citizen Brick founder and "Breaking Bad"?fan?Joe Trupia?tells?The Hollywood Reporter. ?Adults who still enjoy playing with Legos.?

Trupia, the father of two young sons, started off his career as a printer and eventually began experimenting with customizing Legos. His company uses Lego parts and says it employs the toy giant?s technique for adding color to them.

Photos from THR: 'Breaking Bad' fan gives lifelike drawings to show's stars

In addition to the "Breaking Bad"?homage, Citizen Brick has also?tackled "The Wire,"?though most of its products are not TV-related.

Does the company fear facing the legal wrath of Lego or "Breaking Bad"?network AMC? Trupia hopes the companies will see his work as a fan's tribute and says he doubts his small operation is cutting into their profits.

Citizen Brick is doing a limited run of 400 Chemistry Enthusiast figurines with no immediate plans to produce more. They are selling for $15 each. The complete lineup of Citizen Brick figurines can be viewed?here.

What other TV characters would you like to see get turned into Lego figures? Tell us on our Facebook page!

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jets name Mornhinweg, Thurman as coordinators

Associated Press Sports

updated 12:29 p.m. ET Jan. 24, 2013

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP) - New York Jets coach Rex Ryan has officially announced the expected hirings of Marty Mornhinweg as his offensive coordinator and Dennis Thurman as the team's defensive coordinator.

Ryan also announced Thursday that David Lee was hired as the team's quarterbacks coach, replacing Matt Cavanaugh, and Tim McDonald will be the Jets' defensive backs coach.

Mornhinweg, who replaced the fired Tony Sparano, was an assistant for 10 years with the Philadelphia Eagles, including the last seven as offensive coordinator.

Thurman was promoted from defensive backs coach, and replaces Mike Pettine, who was hired as Buffalo's defensive coordinator.

Lee, most recently the Bills' quarterbacks coach, played a key role in establishing Miami's wildcat offense a few years ago. McDonald, a former NFL safety, was Fresno State's secondary coach last season.


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Beverage industry, NYC lawyers duel over drinks

FILE - In this Sept. 13, 2012 photo, Luke Husemann, and Christina Nunez, of Baltimore, sip on extra-large soft drinks at a McDonald's restaurant in New York. The city defended its groundbreaking size limit on sugary drinks Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, as an imperfect but meaningful rein on obesity, while critics said it would hurt small and minority-owned businesses while doing little to help health. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 13, 2012 photo, Luke Husemann, and Christina Nunez, of Baltimore, sip on extra-large soft drinks at a McDonald's restaurant in New York. The city defended its groundbreaking size limit on sugary drinks Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, as an imperfect but meaningful rein on obesity, while critics said it would hurt small and minority-owned businesses while doing little to help health. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens, File)

FILE - In this May 31, 2012 file photo, a man leaves a 7-Eleven store with a Double Gulp drink, in New York. Opponents of the city?s limit on the size of sugary drinks are are raising questions of racial fairness alongside other complaints as the novel restriction faces a court test. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

(AP) ? The city defended its groundbreaking size limit on sugary drinks Wednesday as an imperfect but meaningful rein on obesity, while critics said it would hurt small and minority-owned businesses while doing little to help health.

The first courtroom arguments in the closely watched case ended without an immediate ruling. Opponents said they planned to ask a judge to delay enforcement during the suit, which has broached questions of racial fairness alongside arguments about government authority and burdens to business.

The NAACP's New York state branch and a network of Hispanic groups have joined a legal effort to block the first-of-its-kind restriction, igniting questions Wednesday about the groups' ties to the beverage industry.

Beverage makers, restaurateurs, minority advocates and other critics told a judge the upcoming 16-ounce limit was a finger-wagging incursion on consumer choice, rife with inconsistencies that would cost a hot dog vendor business while still allowing New Yorkers to buy belly-buster sodas at the chain convenience store next to him. Opponents' lawyers called it "ham-handed," ''grossly unfair" and just "plain silly."

"New Yorkers do not want to be told what to drink," attorney James Brandt said.

City lawyers acknowledged the rule's limitations. It doesn't apply to all high-calorie drinks or all places that sell them, largely because of the city can regulate only some establishments. But it's still a reasonable and needed move to take on the city's growing weight problem and the diseases linked to it, they said.

"While this may not be a silver bullet that will cure the obesity epidemic, it's rational ... (and) one step that can be taken," said the city Health Department's chief lawyer, Thomas Merrill.

The suit, filed by the American Beverage Association and others, seeks to block the restriction, set to take effect March 12. With no immediate ruling Wednesday, opponents said they planned to ask state Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling to put it on hold until the case is decided. The city will oppose such a move, Merrill said after the hearing.

The latest in a line of healthy-eating initiatives during Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration, the beverage rule bars restaurants and many other eateries from selling high-sugar drinks in cups or containers bigger than 16 ounces. Violations could bring $200 fines; the city doesn't plan to start seeking those until June.

In explaining the cola crackdown, officials cite the city's rising obesity rate ? about 24 percent of adults, up from 18 percent in 2002 ? and point to studies linking sugary drinks to weight gain. Care for obesity-related illnesses costs more than $4.7 billion a year citywide, and government programs pay about 60 percent of that, according to city Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley.

Opponents portray the regulation as government nagging that scapegoats sugary drinks for a multifaceted fat problem, and they say the restriction is unfairly narrow.

Unsweetened juice and milk-based drinks are excluded; health officials say they have nutritional value. The regulation also doesn't cover alcoholic drinks or sales at supermarkets and many convenience stores ? among them 7-Eleven, home of the Big Gulp ? because they aren't subject to city health rules.

The NAACP and the Hispanic Federation, an organization of 100 Northeastern groups, say their concern is that minority-owned delis and corner stores will end up at a disadvantage compared with grocery chains.

It's a complaint voiced behind deli counters in heavily Hispanic East Harlem, where managers such as Yolanda Peralta see the restriction as inequitable.

"We're paying taxes like every other store. ... We should have the same rights that everybody else," Peralta said Wednesday.

But others questioned the advocacy groups' links to the soda companies whose fight they've joined. Among the ties:

? Coca-Cola announced last month it was giving a $100,000 grant to the national NAACP to support a healthy-lifestyles program

? PepsiCo gave the group more than $10,000 in 2010, according to the soda maker's website.

? Former Hispanic Federation President Lillian Rodriguez Lopez left for a job at Coca-Cola in in February.

? The groups were represented Wednesday by a firm that also has represented Coca-Cola. The firm, King & Spalding, is representing the advocacy groups for free, lawyer Ann M. Cook said.

Given that obesity rates are higher than average among blacks and Hispanics, the NAACP should refuse soda makers' money and "reevaluate the position the group is taking in New York City," Michael F. Jacobson, the executive director of the nutrition advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest, said in a statement Wednesday.

He and Stan Glantz, director of the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the University of California, San Francisco, noted that tobacco companies' established relationship with African-American leadership organizations in decades past.

The strategy in the soda fight is "straight out of tobacco," Glantz said.

Hazel Dukes, the NAACP's New York president, bristled at the idea that the nearly 104-year-old group was swayed by the soda industry's support.

"No one buys the NAACP," she said in a telephone interview, noting that foundations also have contributed to the organization's obesity-fighting initiatives.

Soda makers' money "is not the issue here," she said. "The issue is fairness."

The Hispanic Federation's current president, Jose Calderon, didn't immediately return calls Tuesday and Wednesday.

Purchase, N.Y.-based PepsiCo Inc. declined to comment on Wednesday and Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Co. referred questions to the American Beverage Association.

The regulation's critics also argue that the first-of-its-kind restriction should have gone before the elected City Council instead of being approved by the Bloomberg-appointed Board of Health, a view echoed Wednesday by a lawyer for nine of the 51 council members. The city says the board of doctors and other health professionals had both the authority and expertise to make the decision.

During Bloomberg's 11-year tenure, the city also has made chain restaurants post calorie counts on their menus and barred artificial trans fats in French fries and other restaurant food.


Associated Press writer Deepti Hajela, food industry writer Candice Choi and medical writer Mike Stobbe contributed to this report.


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JLL predict strong year for Midlands commercial property | Search ...

JLL predict strong year for Midlands commercial property

Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), the provider of global real estate services, has tipped the Midlands? commercial property market to outperform all but the South-East in its latest report released this week.

Unveiled at a specially arranged event in Birmingham on Monday, the report details JLL?s predictions for the country?s property markets in 2013. Projections suggest that GDP growth is likely to be in the region of 1.3% in the West Midlands, whilst the East Midlands has a similarly healthy outlook for growth of 1.2%.

Jon Neale, head of research at JLL UK, suggested that the regional centres of ?Birmingham and Nottingham have forecasted stronger growth than many of their counterparts?, having been tipped for growth levels of 1.4% and 1.8% respectively.

Having stated that ?the Midlands appeared to be more confident about business prospects than those further North?, Neale was quick to sound a note of caution on the over-reliance on prospective growth in the industrial sector, adding: ?The region needs to nurture start-ups and ensure the prosperity created from manufacturing is used to develop emerging and hi-tech industries to provide sustainable long-term growth.?

However, having witnessed significant job losses in the predominant industrial sector as a result of the financial crisis, JLL said that their predictions were buoyed as a result of recovery in the occupational markets and continuation of talks on speculative funding for industrial projects.

Allan Wilson, JLL?s head of capital markets for the Midlands, said: ?We are already seeing evidence of speculative development in the South-East in very selective markets. ?No spec funding was witnessed in our region in 2012, but we saw a number of funds backing developers on land deals and Jones Lang LaSalle acted on two deals putting equity backers together with developers.

?The next phase will be to see spec funding but scheme choice will be highly selective, prime only and likely to be led by one of the specialist warehouse developers.?

Guy Grainger, the recently appointed chief executive of JLL, indicated during his speech that ? in spite of the recession ? the Midlands? commercial property market would continue to play a vital role in in bolstering the local economy, but most likely in a different guise.

He said: ?Retail is changing with the UK embracing on-line retailing more than any other country in the world, but far from doing away with bricks and mortar, retailers are looking at omni-channel distribution and for the first time Amazon will add a store into its mix.

?Towns and cities need to adapt in the same way retailers have adapted to changing consumer demands and look at developing the public realm, adding more leisure facilities and making parking simpler and more low cost to attract people. ?

Ian Cornock, Midlands lead director at JLL, stated that governmental support for significant infrastructural developments is likely to come to fruition in 2013, with analysts anxious to observe whether the projects will have a tangible effect on the regional property market.

He said: ??In the short term we would see the positive effects in Birmingham of the first phase of New Street opening, the extension of the Metro and the new runway at Birmingham Airport and in the long term we have HS2.

?However the blighting of land along the route would need to be resolved sooner rather than later, so that important proposed developments could proceed such as UK Mail?s ?25m expansion of its depot at Washwood Heath.?In Nottingham, we have phase two of NET Tram, the dualling of the A453 and redevelopment of Nottingham train station.?

The Midlands? office space market is likely to grow as a result of such projects, whilst a combination of high property prices in the South-East and the advent of flexi-working technologies have led bosses to adapt a more pragmatic approach towards commercial occupation.

One such example is the recent sale of Linwood Grove ? previously a WWII bomb aimers? training premises ? on Martin Moor, Lincolnshire. Adjoining the former Lancaster Bomber base of RAF Metheringham, the building was once used to suspend trainee bomb aimers from the ceiling to study aerial photographs.

It has since been converted into a mixed-use office space and light industrial unit, which has been purchased for lease by local estate agents Hodgson Elkington. Director Sam Elkington said in a statement that he was pleased to help preserve piece of national heritage.

Written by Ben Parkinson

Ben Parkinson is a copywriter and online content producer for Search Office Space. He is an avid writer and social media marketer, with a penchant for music and literature when he's not documenting the flexible office industry.

He began his interest in professional writing through his work with leading festival news site Virtual Festivals, before taking on a blogger role for online new music publication There Goes The Fear.

In his professional life he has produced online content and corporate literature for a number of colleges, including London Graduate School and Kensington College of Business, before joining the SOS team.

Tel: +44 (0)20 8909 5151
Twitter: @parkinson_b


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